- Constitution of the Korea University Graduate School
- Graduate School of Labor Studies Detailed Enforcement Regulations
- Graduate School of Labor Studies Detailed Regulations for Scholarships
Graduate School Regulations Graduate School of Labor Studies Detailed Enforcement Regulations
Enacted on March 1, 2004
Amended on March 1, 2008
Amended on March 1, 2009
Amended on March 1, 2013
Amended on September 1, 2014
Partially amended on March 1, 2015
Amended on March 1, 2017
<Graduate School of Labor Studies, Administration Office>
Article 1 (Purpose) These detailed regulations prescribe matters that the Graduate School Regulations (hereinafter referred to as “school regulations”) of Korea University (hereinafter referred to as “KU”) have entrusted to the Graduate School of Labor Studies (hereinafter referred to as “Graduate School”) and the details necessary for their implementation
Article 2 (Educational Objective) The educational objective of the Graduate School is to train high-quality human resources equipped with advanced professional knowledge and leadership skills required for reasonable resolution of labor issues by studying and teaching theories and practices relevant to overall labor issues and their applications
Article 3 (Time Limit for Course Completion and Length of Studentship) ① Students must complete the master’s program within two and a half years (5 semesters).
② The length of studentship for master’s students shall not exceed seven years (14 semesters).
Article 4 (Classes) Classes shall be offered in the evening. Holiday classes or field classes may also be offered, if deemed necessary.
Article 5 (Reduction of Coursework Period) Students enrolled in the master’s program after completing the research program may have their coursework period reduced by six months (one semester).
Article 6 (Changing Departments) ① Students shall not change their affiliated department after enrollment. However, if it is deemed that there is an unavoidable circumstance, doing so may be permitted but only after the completion of the first semester.
② Students intent on changing their affiliated department must submit the following documents within ten days after the commencement of the second semester and obtain approval from the dean of the Graduate School.
1. Application for department change
2. Written approval from the head professor of the department
3. Transcript
Article 7 (Leave of Absence and Time Limit for Leave of Absence) ① Any student intent on taking a leave of absence must apply to do so in accordance with the prescribed procedure during the period announced each semester and obtain permission from the dean of the Graduate School. However, new students, transfer students, and readmitted students shall not take a leave of absence during the first semester after enrollment except for cases prescribed in Clauses 3 and 5.
② Students may apply for a leave of absence every six months (once per semester) or every year (once per two semesters), and the total leave of absence period shall not exceed one and a half years (three semesters).
③ In the event of taking a leave of absence for military service, application for such leave of absence and documentary evidence must be submitted. The duration of military service shall not be included in the total leave of absence period.
④ In the case of taking a leave of absence for childbirth, application for such leave of absence and documentary evidence must be submitted. Students may take a leave of absence for up to two years, which shall not be included in the total leave of absence period.
⑤ In the case of taking a leave of absence because of illness or other unavoidable reason that prevents attendance at more than one-third of class days, students must submit an application for a leave of absence along with a medical certificate issued by the director of a general hospital or other documentary evidence and obtain approval from the dean of the Graduate School.
Article 8 (Return from Absence) When the leave of absence period ends or the reason for the leave of absence ceases to exist, students taking the leave of absence must apply for return from absence during the period announced each semester.
Article 9 (Course Registration) ① Students must register for courses online each semester through the KU course registration system during the designated period.
② Students may register for up to eight credits each semester. Those required to take prerequisite courses may register for up to ten credits including prerequisite courses
③ For systematic thesis guidance, students who chose the thesis track must take Thesis Seminar and Research Guidance in the fourth and fifth semester, respectively.
④ Students intent on taking courses offered at other special graduate schools at KU must obtain approval from the relevant head professor of the department.
Article 10 (Course Add/Drop) Students may change their registered courses online through the KU course registration system during the course add/drop period.
Article 11 (Credit Acknowledgement) ① In the event new students have already taken some master’s courses in the research program, up to eight credits may be acknowledged with the approval from the head professor of the department.
② For courses taken at other special graduate schools, up to two may be acknowledged.
Article 12 (Designated Courses) New students from other major areas (hereinafter referred to as “other majors”) must take a two-credit course designated by the Graduate School (hereinafter referred to as “prerequisite course”).
Article 13 (Advisor) Students selecting the thesis track must make a request for an advisor at the commencement of the fourth semester and obtain approval from the dean of the Graduate School. Students must receive guidance from an advisor for their research and thesis writing for at least two semesters
Article 14 (Changing Advisors) ① In the event that students are not able to receive guidance on their research and thesis writing from their advisor for more than a year due to the advisor’s retirement, leave of absence, overseas travel, or other reasons, they must change their advisor.
② ② In order to change their advisor, students must submit the following documents and obtain approval from the dean of the Graduate School.
1. Request for advisor change
2. Approvals from the head professor of the department and former and new advisors
Article 15 (Types of and Eligibility for Thesis Examination) ① The following students may apply for a master’s degree: Those who (1) registered for five or more semesters required for program completion prescribed in Article 32 of the School Regulations, (2) took more than the minimum credits, obtained a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and (3) satisfied the conditions listed in either Clause 2 or 3, below.
② Students pursuing the thesis track may submit a thesis for a master’s degree once the following requirements are fulfilled.
1. Successful completion of the comprehensive examination
2. Granted advisor approval for a thesis proposal
3. Successful conclusion of the mid-thesis presentation
4. Completion of the required 30 or more credits (including Thesis Seminar and Research Guidance)
③ Students pursuing the course track may apply for a master’s degree once the following requirements are fulfilled
1. Successful completion of the comprehensive examination
2. Completion of the required 34 or more credits (excluding Thesis Seminar and Research Guidance)
Article 16 (Application Period and Procedure for Degree Tracks) Regarding the degree track options, the thesis track requires approval from both the advisor and the head professor of the department, whereas the course track requires approval from the head professor of the department, either of which must be submitted when applying for the first comprehensive examination.
Article 17 (Degree Track Change and Procedure) Students may change their choice of a degree track prior to program completion. A change to the thesis track requires approval from both the advisor and the head professor of the department, and a change to the course track requires approval from the head professor of the department.
Article 18 (Time Limits for and Exceptions to Thesis Submission) ① Master’s students in the thesis track shall submit their thesis no later than seven years after their enrollment year. However, any period of time exceeding this limit with valid, extenuating reasons acknowledged by the Graduate School Committee shall be excluded from the time limit calculation.
② For students who have completed a degree program but could not acquire a degree by not meeting the deadline for thesis submission due to unavoidable reasons (hereinafter referred to as “students in exceptional cases”), the following shall apply
1. Unavoidable reasons are determined by the Graduate School Committee. They include long-term service in foreign countries or in regions outside of Seoul, family issues, pregnancy/childbirth, judicial training, public official training, and other reasons causing delay in research
2. An application for exceptional cases must be submitted along with testimony from the advisor and the head professor of the department, and are decided by the dean of the Graduate School.
3. Students in exceptional cases may submit a thesis only upon passing the comprehensive examination. Even those who have already passed the comprehensive exam must retake the exam
4. Students may apply for and be recognized as students in exceptional cases only once. In the case of being recognized as students in exceptional cases, students must submit a thesis within two consecutive semesters, including the semester in which they were recognized.
5. . In the event of a change or abolition of their affiliated department, students in exceptional cases must change their department. Upon the consent of the head professor of their new department, such students must apply for exceptional case statu
6. In the event of the retirement of their advisor, students qualifying as exceptional cases must change their advisor to a current professor. However, exceptions apply to cases when the advisor was appointed professor emeritus post-retirement.
Article 19 (Readmission) ① Disenrolled students may be readmitted to the school if certain requirements are satisfied.
② In the case where the dean of the Graduate School approves readmission, students may be readmitted even after seven years from their enrollment year.
③ Readmitted students shall not apply for a master’s degree after seven years from the readmission year.
Article 20 (Research Proposal for Thesis) Students in the thesis track must submit a research proposal for their thesis at the beginning of the fourth semester with the approval from their advisor.
Article 21 (Mid-Thesis Presentation) ① Students who submitted a research proposal for their thesis must provide a mid-thesis presentation with the approval from their advisor after receiving research guidance for one or more semesters.
② The mid-thesis presentation shall consist of a presentation and question-and-answer session and be attended by their advisor and the head professor of the department.
Article 22 (Period and Procedure of Thesis Submission) ① Students desiring to submit a master’s thesis must submit documents validating their qualification for thesis submission and three copies of their thesis along with the thesis examination fee to the administration office.
② The deadlines for thesis submission are May 31 for the spring semester and November 30 for the fall semester.
Article 23 (Approved Languages for Thesis) Theses are ordinarily written in the Korean language but may be written in a foreign language. However, in cases where a thesis is written in the foreign language, a Korean abstract must be attached.
Article 24 (Comprehensive Examination) The comprehensive examination shall test the candidates’ knowledge of their major courses.
Article 25 (Eligibility for Comprehensive Examination) ① Students who completed 18 or more credits and obtained a GPA of 3.0 or higher may apply for the comprehensive examination
② Students may take the comprehensive examination as many times as desired or necessary.
Article 26 (Period and Procedure of Comprehensive Examination) ① Students intending to apply for the comprehensive examination must submit an application form and the examination fee with the approval from the head professor of the department to the administration office within the designated period.
② The comprehensive examination shall be held every April and October, and additional exam dates may be available if necessary.
Article 27 (Deleted on December 31, 2012)
Article 28 (Thesis Examination Committee) ① Members of the Thesis Examination Committee shall be recommended by the advisor and approved by the dean of the Graduate School.
② The Thesis Examination Committee shall be composed of three members, including the advisor
③ The Head of the Thesis Examination Committee shall be elected from the committee members. The Head shall preside over the examination and report the results to the dean of the Graduate School.
Article 29 (Examination Methods) ① The thesis examination shall consist of content validity/eligibility and oral examinations.
② The final decision for thesis examination shall be either pass or fail. The decision of pass requires agreement from at least 2/3 of the committee members.
③ Failed theses may be resubmitted within six months after revision and supplementation under the guidance of the advisor.
Article 30 (Degree Award Review) Matters regarding degree awarding, such as the results of the comprehensive examination and thesis examination, shall be reviewed by the Graduate School Committee.
Article 31 (Scholarship) ① The Graduate School may provide scholarships to students.
② Details of Clause 1 shall be prescribed as “Details of Scholarships of the Graduate School of Labor Studies.”
Article 32 (Open Lectures) ① The Graduate School may establish open lectures as deemed necessary and issue a certificate of completion, shown in Attachment 1.
② The title, period, location, and class size of open lectures shall be decided ad hoc by the dean of the Graduate School.
Article 33 (Professional Programs) ① One-year professional programs may be established and administered.
② Professional programs shall be administered in accordance with the administrative rules of open lectures.
Article 34 (Research Students) ① Students seeking to take specific courses offered at the Graduate School may enroll as research students with the approval from the dean of the Graduate School.
② Eligibility requirements for the research program are the same as those for the master’s program. Students passing the exam held by the Graduate School may enroll in the program.
Article 35 (Research Period and Courses) ① The research period of research students shall be one year
② Research students shall select and take courses offered in the master’s program.
Article 36 (Graduate School Committee Meeting) ① The Graduate School Committee meetings shall be held with the attendance of a majority of the committee members, and issues shall be accepted with the consent of a majority of the attending committee members.
② 그 For other matters regarding the operation of the Graduate School Committee, the “Provisions of the Establishment and Operation of the Committee” of KU shall apply.
Supplementary Provision
This detailed enforcement regulations shall enter into effect on March 1, 2004.
Supplementary Provision
This revised detailed enforcement regulations shall enter into effect on March 1, 2008.
Supplementary Provision
This revised detailed enforcement regulations shall enter into effect on March 1, 2009.
Supplementary Provision
These revised detailed enforcement regulations shall enter into effect on March 1, 2013. [Article 2; Clause 2 of Article 3; Clause 2-3 of Article 6; Clause 2 (added) of Article 7; Clause 3 (added) of Article 7; Clause 4 (amended) of Article 7; Article 10; Article 11; Clause 2 of Article 12; Clause 1 of Article 14; Clause 3 (added) of Article 14; Clause 4 (added) of Article 14; Article 20; Article 22 (deleted); Clause 1 of Article 23; Clause 3 of Article 23; Article 25; Clause 2 of Article 26; Clause 3 (added) of Article 26; Clause 1 of Article 27; Clause 1 of Article 29; Clause 2 of Article 29; Clause 1 of Article 31; and Clause 2 of Article 31, amended.]
Supplementary Provision
1. This revised detailed enforcement regulations shall enter into effect on September 1, 2014. [Clause 2 of Article 3; Clause 3 of Article 7; Article 11; Clause 1 of Article 13; Clause 2 (added) of Article 13; Clause 3 (added) of Article 13; Article 14 (added); Article 15 (added); Article 16; Clause 1 (added) of Article 17; Clause 2 of Article 17; Article 18; and Clause 2 of Article 29, amended.]
2. (Interim Measure) These revised detailed enforcement regulations shall apply to students who enrolled prior to the enforcement date with the exception of those who have completed the program.
Supplementary Provision
This revised detailed enforcement regulations shall enter into effect on March 1, 2015. Article 7 and Article 8 (added)
Supplementary Provision
This detailed enforcement regulations shall enter into effect on March 1, 2017. [Article 5; Clause 2-2 of Article 6; title, Clause 1, and Clause 5 (added) of Article 7; Article 8; Clause 2, Clause 3, and Clause 4 of Article 9; Clause 1 and Clause 2 of Article 11; Clause 2-2 of Article 14; Clause 1, Clause 2, Clause 2-3, Clause 2-5, and Clause 2-6 of Article 18; Clause 2 of Article 19; Clause 2 and Clause 3 (deleted) of Article 21; Clause 1 of Article 26; Clause 1, Clause 2, and Clause 3 of Article 28; Article 30; Clause 1 and Clause 2 (deleted), Clause 3 (adjusted to Clause 2) of Article 31; Clause 1 of Article 34; title and Clause 2 of Article 35; and Clause 1 and Clause 2 of Article 36]